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mobileworld Suite Workflow

mobileworld's workflow procedure is simple and designed according to the business needs


A brief description of all steps involved of the procedure

Forecasting & Proposals

Mobileworld xVan generates an automatic process of order proposals by point of sale and product, 3 to 7 days before the date of sale, based on statistical algorithms.

Proposals Modifocations

Then, the proposals can be accepted or manually modified by the user in the or production department and automatically the proposals are updated to a point-of-sale level.

Transfer to portable terminals

Transfer of validated proposals to portable terminals for final validation of proposals by sellers, by product and
by point of sale

Matching Stock Availability

Matching of the final validated orders and the final quantity available at the warehouse

Final Product Load

Create final product loads, ordered by point of sale and itinerary

Our Clients

Some of our indicative clients with whom we are proud to be working with for the past decades


For more information you are more than welcome to fill in the form and our representatives will contact you shortly

Case Studies

Check out our success stories through our clients eyes


8 Doiranis str.                    
Athens, 113 62


Phone: +30 210 88 97 700
Fax: +30 210 88 97 738